Jordan, Amber, and Mr. Milo

Jordan, Amber, and Mr. Milo

Monday, February 21, 2011

help me make a decision

K so I cannot decide. Long or short- what do you think??

But not blonde


somewhat long- growing it out longer?


  1. You look beautiful either way but I have always loved your short hair.

  2. You should do what you think most fits your personality!
    YOur adorable with a Aline, love it!
    either way you will look gorgeous! :)

  3. Going with Mads. Stunning either way. Short is a fun change :)

  4. First I didn't know you had a blog. Excited to have found it. If you want an invite to mine let me know. I have mine private for our kids.

    I have this hair battle all the time. For me I want my hair long and I battle between the color. I was super blond. Went really dark to try to save money and all the time I was at the salon and I'm now in between blonde and dark.

    You look great no matter what you do you are gorgeous. I love long hair because I actually think it is easier. I guess I've never really had short hair but I love just being able to throw it up whenever. But it does take longer when you want to wash and blow dry. Again totally do whatever you prefer I love both on you. The way I think about is I will probably have short hair from 40ish tell I die so I figure I'm going to have long hair while I am young and I can pull it off. Then when I'm old and my hair starts to go to the pots I'll cut it. make sense... haha hope that helps. But I agree with the personality thing. What ever you feel best with or most comfortable as you!

  5. i love it short! like everyone else has said, it looks great either way, but my vote is short! xoxo

  6. short is super cute on you! and good for summer!
