Jordan, Amber, and Mr. Milo

Jordan, Amber, and Mr. Milo

Monday, December 27, 2010

help a sista out!!

K so this is random.. and kinda gross- so beware!

but my hair has gotten SOOO thin :( ugh (probably due to the birth control) but I don't know what to do! It's like really bad! I have tried not straightening it and laying off the blow dryer. Anyone have any suggestions on vitamins to take or anything that might help?


  1. Vitamin B-12 is always good for hair and nails. (I think it has something to do with keratin in your body.) The hormones will do that to you because when you are pregnant your hair gets thicker and stronger. But try prenatal vitamins. They usually help.

  2. I am taking prenatals and it really works! You can get a big bottle of them at costco.

  3. Nioxin Shampoo, Conditioner, AND PILLS

  4. biotin, special bar soap shampoo--- from, main and tail shampoo/conditioner... oh and uh, random of me to even comment, but i knew you in high school since i hung out with chanelle snelson!

  5. I take Nioxin! It does wonders on my hair, nails, AND eyelashes! I just take the pills, (get them at, WAY cheaper like $20 for a bottle of 90 pills)
